Key Difference: 3G (third generation) refers to an advanced wireless technology. It has additional features like high-speed transmission, advanced multimedia access and global roaming, than that compared to previous wireless technologies. Wi-Fi is a technology that is used to connect laptops and mobiles within a range of few hundred meters.
3G (third generation) refers to an
advanced wireless technology. It has additional features like high-speed
transmission, advanced multimedia access and global roaming, than that
compared to previous wireless technologies. Wi-Fi is a technology that
is used to connect laptops and mobiles within a range of few hundred
meters. 3G is mostly used with mobile
phones and provide the ability to transfer both voice and non voice
data. Japan was the first to introduce 3G on a large commercial scale
and later it spread to other countries. The enormous capacity and
broadband capability are the most important features offered by third
generation (3G). This plays a vital role in dealing with greater number
of customers as 3G services cater both voice and data services. They
also provide higher data rates at lower incremental cost than compared
to 2G (second generation). 3G network enables user to download and use
various apps, browse the web at faster rate, send emails, videos and
images, download and play 3D games and a lot more. Wi-Fi refers to a
wireless networking technology that provides wireless high speed
internet and network connections and is based on radio waves. it refers
to 802.11b wireless Ethernet standard. Both these technologies
fundamentally differ in service, industry, origins and architectural
design. 3G is capable of offering vertically integrated, top–down,
service-provider approach to provide wireless internet access while
Wi-Fi offers an end user centric approach regarding its service. This
approach is decentralized. 3G makes use of cell towers and its coverage
provides the access to high speed broadband Internet while Wi-Fi is a
connection standard that is provided by a wireless network. This
wireless network is obtained by some other device that has access to the
Internet; generally this is a physical line.
However, looking at their similarities in
a nutshell we can say that both have been contributing to the growing
telecommunication sector and proved to be very important for internet
and mobile telephone services. Both offer sufficient bandwidth to
support various services like real time streaming and many more, and
thus these technologies have already paved path for advanced
technologies of the future.
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